Is anyone looking for some good reading material? These are books by Peggy Chrusciaki (remember Angela and Clayton, who I have mentioned on here a few times? Peggy is Angela's mom). I am about halfway through the first book, and can I just say, they are AMAZING!? I am totally engrossed in the story now, and I can't wait for nap time so that I can read more! It is the story of Ellis Spencer, whose parents and sister are killed in a natural gas explosion at their home while Ellis is away at college, and Simon Garrett, who is an extremely ambitious med student coming from a family with many issues, who feels he needs to prove something to the world. Um, yeah. Is it nap time yet?
This is the new birthday card I made a couple of days ago. I'm working on another card that has stunning colors, and some really fun patterned "fabric paper"... bet you are on the edge of your seat, and just can't wait to see it! ;)
I hope to get that other card finished today, but I'm not promising anything, because, well, you know, I have two good books waiting for me to read them. They're calling to me...
My friend, Cheryl, told me to come here and see my books! What a pleasant surprise. May I hire you as a publicity agent??? Thank you so much!
Thank you, Carody, for the great review!
Love the card, of course! And, I am trying to slurp your coffee through the monitor. I'm a loser.
Oh, Peggy, I would love to be your publicity agent! I will do it here in my little world, anyway, because I am one of those annoying people who will recommend books to people for a LONG time after I get done reading them. And I read a lot. So people who know me well just expect me to tell them about the latest book I have been reading. And yours are particularly enjoyable!
Go buy these books, people, you will love them!!
Angela... um, you know, that might be a good way to clean your monitor. Or...not. ;)
You're hired!
I love your cards. I was privileged to receive one for Mother's Day from Angela. You do great work!
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